Law Firms.

Bookkeeping services for law firms often involve addressing specific needs and compliance requirements unique to the legal industry. Some services tailored for law firms may include:

  • Trust Accounts Management: Given the ethical and regulatory obligations of managing client funds, specialized handling of trust accounts, including reconciliation and compliance with trust accounting rules.

  • Retainer Management: Tracking and managing retainer funds, ensuring compliance with jurisdiction-specific rules and regulations governing retainer usage and disclosure.

  • IOLTA Account Reconciliation: Rigorous reconciliation of Interest on Lawyer Trust Accounts (IOLTA) to comply with regulations and maintain proper accounting for interest earned.

  • Compliance with Legal Accounting Standards: Ensuring adherence to legal accounting standards specific to the legal industry, which may vary from general business accounting practices.

  • Integration with Legal Practice Management Software: Seamless integration with legal practice management software to enhance efficiency in managing both financial and operational aspects of the firm. We work with both Clio and LeanLaw.

Law Firm

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